Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Miami Scrapaholix Club

I am so excited to announce that the Scrapaholix Club has been established in Miami and I have the honor to be the moderator! I cannot wait for August 26th to roll around and we have our first meeting. It will be held at A Womb's View (15659 N. Kendall Drive
Miami FL 33196) from 6PM to 8PM. I am in the works of trying to find someone to help me take care of children. If I am successful, I will be able to provide childcare. :o) For more information please visit Scrapaholix.


Feeney said...

I emailed you...hope everything is great. I hope all your business work out...you deserve it.

Unknown said...

Hola mi Reinita y mi Princesita...
Me siento muy orgullosa de ti y de tus talentos. Te deseo el mayor de los exitos en esta nueva etapa de tu vida, donde has dejado correr tu imaginacion y creatividad.
Se que con Dios dirigiendo tus pasos, llegaras muy lejos.
Deseandote lo mejor de lo mejor, hoy, maƱana y siempre...
Te amo mas de lo que tu imaginacion pueda decirte!!!!
Dios te bendiga.


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